Herpes zoster varicellosus
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Bonifazi E. 2014. Herpes zoster varicellosus. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 24 (1): 54.
pp. 54
A little girl was affected with his mother and two sisters by congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss by mutation of the DFNB1 gene coding for the connexin 26. At the age of 3 months she had mild varicella. When aged two years she received a diagnosis of diaper psoriasis; his sister suffered from inverse psoriasis. At the age of 9 she presented with headache, fever and an erption started on the right parietal region (Fig. 1) and then spreaded to the entire skin.Physical examination showed isolated vesicles and pustules on the whole skin (Fig. 3), but prevailing on the cheek, ear and temporal right region (Fig. 1, 2). There was also right laterocervical adenopathy (Fig. 1, arrow). The search for anti-VVZ was positive for both IgG (1483 U/ml, immune threshold > 150) and IgM. The clinical data led to diagnose herpes zoster varicellosus and prescribe valacyclovir, 0.5 g three times daily for 7 days.
Herpes zoster varicellosus