Cutis verticis gyrata in a newborn with Turner syndrome*.

How to Cite

Larralde de Luna M., Torrado M., Santos Muñoz A., Morales M.S. 1999. Cutis verticis gyrata in a newborn with Turner syndrome*. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 9 (3):157-8.


Larralde de Luna M. Torrado M. Santos Muñoz A. Morales M.S.
pp. 157-8


Cutis verticis gyrata (CVG) is a descriptive term for rare skin lesions in which deep furrows and convolutions are seen and give a gyrate appearance to the scalp, resembling human brain. It is not a disease entity. The lesions involve the scalp, more frequently the occipital region, as in the patient we present, who was also affected by Turner syndrome. According to the Authors, CVG is caused by a fetal cystic hygroma.


Cutis verticis gyrata, Turner syndrome, Fetal cystic hygroma