Multiple familial pilomatricomas as an early marker of precancerous genodermatoses.

How to Cite

Bonifazi E. 2011. Multiple familial pilomatricomas as an early marker of precancerous genodermatoses. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 21 (4):252 -53.


Bonifazi E.
pp. 252 - 253


Case report. A 6-year-old little girl was observed for a lesion of the left eyebrow region dating from 4 months. The physical examination (Fig. 1) showed a superficially erythematous, about 1 cm in diameter, hard neoformation with regular surface. The child was sent to Plastic Surgery with a clinical diagnosis of pilomatricoma. The clinical diagnosis was aided by the personal and family history: the child had really already removed other three tumors, one on the right eyebrow, another on his left cheek and a third in the neck. In all three cases the histological diagnosis had been pilomatricoma. Also the father of the girl had a history of multiple skin nodules, one of which had been already removed with a histologic diagnosis of pilomatricoma and other three were still present, one of which was in the left latero-cervical region (Fig. 1) and had the classic - hardness and irregular surface - characteristics of pilomatricoma. One of his brothers had died due to colon adenocarcinoma. The mass removed to the girl confirmed histologically the clinical diagnosis, leading to the final diagnosis of multiple familial pilomatricomas. A neurological consultation excludes pathological conditions. Colonoscopy was prescribed to the child's father and showed adenomatous polyposis.


Multiple familial pilomatricomas, Precancerous genodermatoses