Neonatal alopecia areata.

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Bonifazi E. 2011. Neonatal alopecia areata. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 21 (1): 56.


Bonifazi E.
pp. 56


A 3-month-old child was first observed
for hair loss, that had become evident the second month
of life starting over the ear. His family history showed
thyroiditis in the maternal grandfather and a paternal
uncle and Crohn's disease in the maternal grandmother.
A previous dermatological examination had diagnosed
transient, physiological hair loss of the newborn. The
physical examination revealed a wide confluent alopecic
area level with the hairline (Fig. 1, 2); recently a
new patch appeared at the vertex (Fig. 3), that was reminiscent
of alopecia areata. Dermoscopy highlighted
some pseudocomedos and three exclamation mark hairs
(Fig. 4).
The clinical and dermoscopic findings led to the final
diagnosis of alopecia areata.Topical corticosteroid
therapy twas prescribed in a 3 square cm area, to verify
the response to immunosuppressive therapy.


alopecia areata, newborn