Nodular eruption in a 7-month-old baby girl with influenza A (H1N1).
How to Cite
Bonifazi E., Neri I., Di Bari C., Merico G. 2011. Nodular eruption in a 7-month-old baby girl with influenza A (H1N1). Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 21 (1): 52.
pp. 52
A 7-month-old baby girl with continuous-remittent fever from 10 days, persistent cough,
elevated aminotransferases, C-reactive protein 187.8
mg/L (v.n. 0-5) was sent from the infectious department.
The chest X-ray was normal. The patient had received
numerous antibiotics without any improvement.
For four days the child had acrolocated nodular lesions.
Physical examination showed about thirty nodular lesions
of the face and limbs, especially lower (Fig. 1),
1-3 cm in diameter, of hard consistency, slightly painful,
movable on the deep layers; in the plantar region
two nodules suppurated (Fig. 2).
A biopsy was programmed. The next day, the PCR
on the naso-pharyngeal swab was positive for influenza
A (H1N1)v and the nodules began to regress.The final
diagnosis was nodular eruption in a subject with influenza
due to A (H1N1)v.
Nodular eruption