Congenital Volkmann ischemic contracture – a case report.

How to Cite

Oliveira A., Sanches M., Selores M. 2011. Congenital Volkmann ischemic contracture – a case report. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 21 (1):19-21.


Oliveira A. Sanches M. Selores M.
pp. 19-21


Congenital Volkmann ischemic contracture is a rare condition occurring in utero and characterized
by ischemia of nerve and muscle caused by raised pressure within a closed fascial
space. The Authors report a newborn presenting at birth with a unilateral, well-demarcated
necrotic plaque and nerve paralysis. The clinical and histological findings led to the diagnosis
of congenital Volkmann ischemic contracture.


Congenital Volkmann ischemic contracture