Hemangioma of the oral cavity.

How to Cite

Bonifazi E., Milano A. 2010. Hemangioma of the oral cavity. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 20 (3): 206.


Bonifazi E. Milano A.
pp. 206


Case report. A 3-month-old girl was first observed due to the presence since the early days of a red patch on the mucosal surface of the left cheek. The lesion had gradually extended in the subsequent months reaching a diameter of about 2 cm (Fig. 1). A bluish tinge had also appeared on the skin of the corresponding cheek (Fig. 2). The palpation of the cheek showed a nodule of soft-elastic consistency with blurred limits. Ultrasonography put in evidence below the mucosa of the cheek a mass like a nut with clear-cut limits (Fig. 3). By colordoppler the mass was intensely vascularized (Fig. 4). These data led to the final diagnosis of hemangioma of the cheek mucosa. As the tumor did not further increase in size after the fifth month, we decided to wait for its spontaneous regression.


hemangioma, oral cavity