Infantile papular xanthoma.

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Chieco P., Bonifazi E. 2008. Infantile papular xanthoma. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 18 (2): 72.


Chieco P. Bonifazi E.
pp. 72


Papular xanthoma is a normolipemic xanthomatosis reported by Winkelmann in 1980 (3) and later on in children (1), in the latter showing selfhealing tendency. Our case fulfilled the Winkelmann's criteria, namely 1- papular and nodular, asymptomatic, yellowish lesions distributed on the whole skin with no tendency to merge into plaques; 2- no visceral involvement; 3- normal lipid profile; 4- cell infiltrate mainly consisting of foamy cells; 5- no evidence of a primary histiocytic phase and 6- lack of inflammation. Our case was characterized by marked monomorphism, making easier its differentiation from juvenile xanthogranuloma. It differed also from xanthoma disseminatum due to the normal lipid profile. Finally, it differed from all the other histiocytic syndromes due to its clinical and histologic findings (2, 4).


Xanthoma, infantile