Propranolol in rapidly growing hemangiomas.

How to Cite

Bonifazi E., Colonna V., Mazzotta F., Balducci G., Laforgia N. 2008. Propranolol in rapidly growing hemangiomas. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 18 (3):185-92.


Bonifazi E. Colonna V. Mazzotta F. Balducci G. Laforgia N.
pp. 185-192


Recently propranolol proved itself effective in inducing regression of growing hemangioma. The present report confirms the efficacy of propranolol in five cases of infantile hemangioma and gives some advices for the practical execution of the treatment. Moreover, six cases of hemangioma with red, superficial component are treated with topical propranolol.


hemangioma, propranolol, Beta-blocking agents