Superficial thrombophlebitis of the breast (Mondor disease).

How to Cite

Garofalo L., Bonifazi E. 2007. Superficial thrombophlebitis of the breast (Mondor disease). Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 17 (4):212-12.


Garofalo L. Bonifazi E.
pp. 212-212


Mondor disease is a thrombophlebitis of the thoracic-epigastric superficial vein. It is more frequent in females than in males. In 50% of cases Mondor disease is associated with pain and in 25% with a tension sensation. Mondor disease is more frequently due to traumas, spontaneous or surgical, infections and mammary disorders of various type, from pregnancy to carcinoma. Clotting disorders and hepatitis C act as favoring factors.


Mondor disease