Association between neurofibromatosis type 1 and piebaldism confirmed by genetic analysis. Review of the literature.


How to Cite

Aranibar Durán L., Guzmán Rossi A., Burckhardt-Bravo V. 2025. Association between neurofibromatosis type 1 and piebaldism confirmed by genetic analysis. Review of the literature. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 35 (1):23-6. 10.26326/2281-9649.35.1.2715.


Aranibar Durán L. Guzmán Rossi A. Burckhardt-Bravo V.
pp. 23-6


Other cases fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for NF1 and piebaldism have been described in the literature, suggesting a possible association between these conditions. However, this relationship remains uncertain. To our knowledge, the current case is the first to document the association between neurofibromatosis type 1 and piebaldism, confirmed by genetic analysis, and to underline the importance of genetic studies in the early diagnosis of these conditions.


neurofibromatosis, piebaldism, genetic mutations