Extensive linear porokeratosis in an 8-year-old female.

https://doi.org/10.26326/2281-9649.34.4.2695How to Cite
Theriot T., Haas C., Hill I. 2024. Extensive linear porokeratosis in an 8-year-old female. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 34 (4):235-8. 10.26326/2281-9649.34.4.2695.
pp. 235-8
An 8-year-old female presented with extensive lesions involving the left leg, arm, and face which had been present since birth with biopsy in infancy suggestive of a scar. Clinical examination revealed hyperpigmented, hyperkeratotic papules coalescing into linear plaques. Repeat biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of linear porokeratosis. This case is a valuable example of a rare condition which may present a diagnostic challenge. It underscores the importance of considering linear porokeratosis in the differential diagnosis of linear dermatoses and highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and management.
Linear porokeratosis, mosaicism, tretinoin, children