Kwashiorkor caused by a vegan diet.

DOI: to Cite
Hernandez L., Hawash A., Bellodi Schmidt F. 2024. Kwashiorkor caused by a vegan diet. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 34 (3):146-8. 10.26326/2281-9649.34.3.2662.
pp. 146-8
Kwashiorkor, a type of severe acute malnutrition, is characterized by decreased or poor-quality protein intake with adequate caloric intake. It is more common in areas with low levels of education, famine, and a limited food supply. This entity rarely occurs in the United States and is associated with avoidance or “fad” diets, extreme poverty, or low nutritional education. A case of kwashiorkor was presented in a 9-month-old American baby who was fed a homemade vegan diet for three months per mother’s preference.
kwashiorkor, vegan diet, children