Chemoprophylaxis of varicella by acyclovir in immunocompetent children.

How to Cite

Shelleh H.H., Cheour K.M. 2004. Chemoprophylaxis of varicella by acyclovir in immunocompetent children. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 14 (4):205-8.


Shelleh H.H. Cheour K.M.
pp. 205-208


There is effective vaccination available now for varicella, but it is not yet imposed or designed for global use (18, 21, 22). The other preventive options available so far have temporary effect, including varicella zoster virus (VZV) immunoglobulin (17, 19) and exclusion policy (19). The exclusion policy of the National Varicella Control Program in the USA has cost a lot (16), and it has not been found so effective (2, 14). Using acyclovir as a therapy for an average child with varicella aroused considerable debate. Acyclovir has been used successfully in prevention for varicella contacts but in a relatively high dose, although many Authors (8, 15) disagree about this usage. Here we present a case of varicella infection in a family using acyclovir in prevention of secondary varicella to the household in unprecedented twice daily dose.


Varicella prevention, Acyclovir