Papular xanthoma in a child. Case report.

How to Cite

da Costa Pereira F., Belda W. Jr. 2003. Papular xanthoma in a child. Case report. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 13 (1):25-8.


da Costa Pereira F. Belda W. Jr.
pp. 25-8


Papular Xanthoma (PX) was first described by Winkelmann in 1980. In 1990, Caputo described 10 children presenting lesions compatible with the criteria proposed by Winkelmann, but with a self-healing course. We report a case of PX in a three-year old Brazilian girl, with no systemic involvement or internal lesions and discuss anatomopathological, immunohistochemical and electron microscopy features.


Papular xanthoma, NonX histiocytosis, Histology, Electron microscopy