A rare differential for multiple café-au-lait macules: primary microcephaly-3 caused by recessive mutations in CDK5RAP2. Case report and literature review.



How to Cite

Finnegan P., Bourke J., O’Connor C. 2023. A rare differential for multiple café-au-lait macules: primary microcephaly-3 caused by recessive mutations in CDK5RAP2. Case report and literature review. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 33 (3):153-5. 10.26326/2281-9649.33.3.2508.


Finnegan P. Bourke J. O'Connor C.
pp. 153-5


Primary microcephaly-3 is an inherited disease transmitted with an autosomal recessive trait. Microcephaly is associated with multisystem malformations of variable severity that require a multidisciplinary assessment. The dermatologist intervenes to evaluate the café au lait spots and other associated skin dyschromias. A case of MCPH3 was reported and a review of the literature cases was performed, with reference to its dermatological manifestations.


microcephaly, café au lait spots