Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis treated with systemic corticosteroids: a rare case report.



How to Cite

Katakam B.K., Gurram N.R.N., Chintagunta S.R., Dhabal A. 2023. Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis treated with systemic corticosteroids: a rare case report. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 33 (3):180-3. 10.26326/2281-9649.33.3.2501.


Katakam B.K. Gurram N.R.N. Chintagunta S.R. Dhabal A.
pp. 180-3


Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis is the rarest form of mastocytosis. It usually appears in children and is usually characterized by a leather-like thickening of the skin; marked dermographism or numerous blisters may also be present. In children, diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis tends to regress spontaneously, like the more frequent forms of mastocytoma and maculo-papular mastocytosis, but the higher the risk of systemic complications. Here was reported the case of a 2-month-old girl who initially manifested bullous lesions fol-lowed by generalized orange peel plaques.


mastocytosis, child