Scurvy in an 11-year-old boy. Case report.

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Montero D., Lamberti M., Irurzun I., Massimo J.A. 2022. Scurvy in an 11-year-old boy. Case report. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 32 (3):158-61. 10.26326/2281-9649.32.3.2387.
pp. 158-61
Scurvy is a rare disease in the pediatric population and occurs as a result of vitamin C deficiency, mainly in children with restrictive diets. A case of scurvy was reported in an 11-year-old boy with feeding problems who presented general symptoms and mucocutaneous, musculoskeletal and hematological manifestations.
scurvy, vitamin C, hairs