Papular xanthoma with xanthelasma-like lesions.

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Bonifazi E. 2020. Papular xanthoma with xanthelasma-like lesions. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 30 (4):254-56. 10.26326/2281-9649.30.4.2188.
pp. 254-256
In the literature there are cases of papular xanthoma of the eyelids (4) or associated with xanthelasma (5). Moreover, eyelid lesions may also occur (1) in numerous normolipemic Langerhans and non-Langerhans histiocytoses.
The current case adheres to the criteria proposed by Winkelmann (6) for papular xanthoma, that is 1- asymptomatic papular lesions distributed throughout the skin without merging into large plaques, 2- absence of visceral involvement, 3- normal lipid profile, 4- infiltrate composed mainly of foamy cells, 5- absence of an initial histiocytic phase and inflammatory infiltrate. […]
Xanthomatosis, Eyelids, Child