Venous malformation becoming evident with exertion.

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Venous malformations may be present at birth or become evident in the first years of life and tend to progressively worsen over the years; the head and neck are the most frequently affected sites. A minimal accentuation of the venous reticulum but becoming much more evident with the effort can be the expression of an asymptomatic, extensive and deep malformation. MRI with gadolinium is the exam of choice to highlight it. In venous malformations there is a continuous cycle of localized thrombosis and thrombolysis which leads to the formation of phleboliths (1). When the localized thrombotic process is symptomatic, one can resort to the administration of ibuprofen 20 mg / kg / per day divided into 3 daily doses. Elective therapy of venous malformations is percutaneous intralesional sclerotherapy (2). The latter should be initiated when the malformation causes functional disturbances or a significant esthetic defect.