Erythema chronicum migrans et atrophicans of the breast in a baby girl.

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The Authors reported a 6-year-old baby girl with erythema chronicum migrans of the left breast. The lesion had begun 4 years before and was characterized by central atrophy. The case was reported because it represented a further variety of atrophic scleroderma that can be observed during the clinical course of Lyme disease. lndirect immunofluorescence studies showed IgG serum antibodies (1 : 256) against Borrelia burgdorferi. The patient was treated with 2,000,000 IU POM-penicillin for a period of 21 days. The atrophy remained unchanged whereas the erythematous lesions completely healed with treatment. The Authors underlined the co-existence in the case reported of an early (erythema chronicum migrans) and a late (atrophy) manifestation in the same site. Moreover, the particular site of the atrophy could lead at the puberty to a minor development of the left breast as compared with the right one.