Early onset pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Case report.



How to Cite

Kuru B.C., Koska M.C., Çobanoğlu Simşek B., Zindancı İ., Kavala M. 2017. Early onset pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Case report. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 27 (2):83-5. 10.26326/2281-9649.27.2.1342.


Kuru B.C. Koska M.C. Çobanoğlu Simşek B. Zindancı İ. Kavala M.
pp. 83-5


Pseudoxanthoma elasticum is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder affecting skin and internal organs and systems including eyes and cardiovascular system. Cutaneous findings can start in childhood; however, the diagnosis is usually confirmed in the fourth-fifth decade. Here is reported an 11 years old boy with pseudoxanthoma elasticum whose cutaneous findings started at the age of two; the diagnosis was confirmed at the age of eleven. Furthermore, there was no sign of systemic involvement. Cutaneous lesions can occur on atypical regions in the first years; this is why an early diagnosis is essential.


Pseudoxanthoma elasticum