Antihistamines. An updating.

How to Cite

Bonifazi E., Ciampo L. 2000. Antihistamines. An updating. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 10 (3):161-70.


Bonifazi E. Ciampo L.
pp. 161-70


The antihistamines are the drugs most widely prescribed in pediatric dermatology, although not always rationally.
Interestingly enough, the antihistamines are usually prescribed in children because of effects that, on the other hand, are considered as unwanted side effects in adults. As a matter of fact, we can consider the sedative effect. To overcome the latter many studies were carried out, leading to the synthesis of second-generation antihistamines, which are devoid of sedative effect. We can also consider the increased appetite, which led to excessively prescribe cyproheptadine.
The antihistamines are rationally prescribed in urticaria, especially acute urticaria, and in the most severe cases of mastocytosis. On the other hand, their usage is debated in atopic dermatitis and in the itchy disorders due to other causes. Their debated activity in these disorders is probably related to an effect, which is usually considered a side effect of the first-generation antihistamines, namely the sedative effect on the central nervous system (12). (...).

