Relations between dermal sinus, aplasia cutis and collar sign.


How to Cite

Bonifazi E. 2015. Relations between dermal sinus, aplasia cutis and collar sign. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 25 (4): 244. 10.26326/2281-9649.25.4.1172.


Bonifazi E.
pp. 244


The cranial dermal sinus is related to an incomplete fusion of the neural tube level with the cephalic end; so originates a fistula that starting from the skin can end in the underlying soft tissue or cross the skull and connect the skin with the meningo-encephalic structures. The presence of the dermal sinus is often betrayed by the presence of a collar of thicker hairs (hair collar sign); however, this sign can also be found around other neoplasms (3).
The presence of a gray, soft elastic plaque, sometimes surrounded by thicker hairs and often at the center of a salmon patch is more indicative of an embryonic malformation.
However, the hair collar sign can also be found around membranous aplasia cutis (2); moreover, the latter may be preceded by a bullous stage where meningeal tissue can be histologically shown (1).


Dermal sinus, Aplasia cutis