The psychological consultation for pediatric dermatology patient. What “indicators” to observe.

How to Cite

Andreoli E., Foglio Bonda P.G., Mozzetta A., Paradisi M. 1999. The psychological consultation for pediatric dermatology patient. What “indicators” to observe. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 9 (2):101-4.


Andreoli E. Foglio Bonda P.G. Mozzetta A. Paradisi M.
pp. 101-4


Several studies and researches indicate how interdependent are the psychological and physical health of a person in every moment of his life, but above all during the time of his/her development. In any case, the feeling of uneasiness in children or adolescents affected by skin diseases assumes great significance for what the level of perception of their own reality is concerned. This is the reason why it is very important to give an evaluation concerning the presence of some behaviours (the so called indicators) that suggest the possibility of a psychological component in any case of skin disorders during childhood or adolescence. The psychological component may influence the offspring and the course and even affect the outcome of the therapy of the disease or may represent more or less direct consequence of it. On the basis of our long experience in a pediatric dermatology ward we would like to call your attention to this list of such behaviours that we have found more significant in order to suggest the dermatologist the need of a psychological consultation.


Skin diseases, Psychological consultation, Psychosomatic disturbances, Somato-psychic disturbances